

The Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) was established under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and merges the functions previously carried out by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA)

The DBS service enables organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors to make safer recruitment decisions by identifying candidates who may be unsuitable for certain work, especially that involve children or vulnerable adults.

All our staff who work for Complete Kidz have a fully enhanced DBS and have undergone criminal record checks.


The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) is the non-ministerial government department of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Schools In England and Inspectors of Schools (HMI) are appointed by Order in Council and are thus office holders under the Crown.

The services Ofsted inspects or regulates include: local services, childminding, child day care, children’s centres, children’s social care, CAFCASS, state schools, independent schools and teacher training providers, and colleges and learning and skills providers in England. It also monitors the work of the Independent Schools.

Both our Kidz Zone after School Club and Holiday Camp are registered by Ofsted.

Food Hygiene

Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent food borne illness. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards.

Foodstuffs in the UK have one of two labels to indicate the nature of the deterioration of the product and any subsequent health issues. Environmental Health Officer (EHO) Food Hygiene certification is required to prepare and distribute food. While there is no specified expiry date of such a qualification the changes in legislation it is suggested to update every five years.

All food handlers have current and minimum level 2 in basic food hygiene certificates.

First Aid

First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed.

Certain self-limiting illnesses or minor injuries may not require further medical care past the first aid intervention. It generally consists of a series of simple and in some cases, potentially life-saving techniques that an individual can be trained to perform with minimal equipment.

In the UK, there are two main types of first aid courses offered. An “Emergency First Aid at Work” course typically lasts one day, and covers the basics, focusing on critical interventions for conditions such as cardiac arrest and severe bleeding, and is usually not formally assessed. A “First Aid at Work” course is usually a three-day course (two days for a re-qualification) that covers the full spectrum of first aid, and is formally assessed by recognized Health and Safety Executive assessors.

All our sports coaches have current “First Aid at Work” certificates.



BeActive in the Black Country is an external funding partner who have provided funding and support to deliver our Sportivate programme. This will provide opportunities for people to participate in sport and physical activity in Sandwell.

The Black Country BeActive Partnership aim “to use the games to bring people together to celebrate their own community through sport, culture and physical activity”.

The Community Games presents a unique opportunity to Black Country communities to adopt a more active lifestyle, through sport, physical activity and culture, by giving them the chance to organise a celebration of sporting and cultural activities, and be part of the lasting legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

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Birmingham and Black Country Community Foundation help us to discover local and regional funds which we have utilised to run programmes.

Birmingham and Black Country Community Foundation is a registered Charity (set up via the Charity Commission in 1995) dedicated to helping local people find local solutions to local needs from the grassroots up working across Birmingham and the Black Country.

Their unique approach to philanthropy allows individuals and businesses to support their own specific local interests and causes enabling them to invest in the future of their community.


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Health Desire

Health Desire provided funding for our ‘Family FUN & FIT” programme to help specific disadvantaged segments of families in Smethwick to stay active and healthy.

HealthDesire is a Community Health Lottery for Wolverhampton, Dudley, Sandwell and Walsall. The first lottery was held in January 2012 and this is being continued to tackle health inequalities in the local area.

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Sportivate have donated funds for many of our programmes that provide young people in Birmingham with the opportunity to learn a variety of sports.

Sportivate is a million Lottery programme that gives young people access to six-week courses in a range of sports including judo, golf, tennis, wakeboarding, athletics, and parkour or free running.

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Sports Relief have provided the funds, in partnership with the Birmingham Mail, to allow us to run one of our physical activity programmes.

Community Cash grants are used to support work where there is clear evidence of a sustained beneficial impact on the lives of those people who are excluded or disadvantaged through low income, rural or social isolation, age, disabilities, race, sexuality or gender.

Priority is given to small, locally based groups or organisations in areas of disadvantage that have a clear understanding of the needs of their community and who are undertaking actions as a means of addressing those needs.

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Complete Kidz have partnered with Street Games to help deliver door step sports. Street Games is a sports charity that brings sport to the doorstep of young people in disadvantaged communities across the UK, at the right time, for the right price, to the right place and in the right style.

All Street Games projects follow this method and are locally run and managed by leaders from within the communities.

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Tipton Litter Watch

Tipton Litter Watch’s strong partnerships with young people, the public and private sector, local and national businesses, the local community and individual schools enable its work to extend into all areas of the borough of Sandwell, covering the six towns of Tipton, Wednesbury, West Bromwich, Oldbury, Smethwick and Rowley Regis.